The Curaçaose Beleggingsvennootschap (CBV):A range of benefits for real estate investors

The Curaçaose Beleggingsvennootschap (CBV) offers a range of investment opportunities and offers flexibility, tax benefits, asset protection and access to international markets. With its favorable regulatory environment and strategic location, Curaçao offers an attractive platform for individuals and companies looking to expand their investment portfolios.

The CBV offers investors attractive opportunities for investing in real estate. Here are some of the key opportunities and considerations regarding real estate investments through CBVs:


  • Diversification: CBVs offer investors the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolios by including real estate assets. Real estate investments can provide a stable income stream through rental income and provide the potential for capital growth over time. By including real estate investments into a CBV through a subsidiary, investors can diversify their risks and potentially improve their overall investment returns.


  • Tax benefits: Curaçao’s favorable tax regime extends to real estate investments through a CBV. CBVs in Curaçao are exempt from capital gains tax. This means that when a CBV sells real estate through a subsidiary, any capital gains resulting from the sale are not subject to taxation in Curaçao. This tax benefit can significantly increase the profitability of real estate investments through CBVs.
  • Asset protection: CBVs provide asset protection through ring-fenced assets, which is especially relevant when investing in real estate. By holding real estate indirect in a CBV, investors can separate their personal assets from the assets of the CBV. This separation provides a layer of protection against potential liabilities associated with real estate investments, thereby safeguarding personal assets.


  • Financing options: CBVs can also facilitate financing options for real estate investments. By bundling investments or funding from multiple investors within a CBV, it becomes easier to access financing from banks or other financial institutions. The collective strength of the CBV’s assets and investor base can enhance its creditworthiness and lending capacity, making it more feasible to secure favorable financing terms for real estate acquisitions or development projects.


  • International investments: CBVs, based in Curaçao, offer an opportunity for international real estate investments. Curaçao’s strategic location and legal framework make it an attractive base for investing in real estate in various jurisdictions. CBVs can help investors navigate the legal and regulatory requirements in different countries, facilitating cross-border real estate transactions and expanding investment opportunities.


Finally, it is important to mention that as an investor it is important to conduct thorough due diligence when considering real estate investments through CBVs. Factors such as market conditions, location, economic trends and local regulations must be carefully analyzed in order to make informed investment decisions. Working with experienced real estate professionals and legal advisors can provide valuable insights and guidance during the investment process.